Wednesday, June 29, 2016

#51 The Love and Mercy of Our Lord

[Pryr-1.2-51] Oh my God, just and good, how great is your Love and Mercy to Mankind, that Heaven is thus everywhere open, and Christ thus the common Savior to all that turn the Desire of their Hearts to You!

 Oh sweet Power of the Bruiser of the Serpent, born in every Son of Man, that stirs and works in every Man, and gives every Man a Power, and Desire, to find his Happiness in God!

 O holy Jesus, heavenly Light, that lightest every Man that cometh into the World, that redeemed every Soul that follows your Light, which is always within Him!

O Holy Trinity, immense Ocean of divine Love in which all Mankind live, and move, and have their Being! None are separated from You, none live out of your Love, but all are embraced in the Arms of your Mercy, all are Partakers of your Divine Life, the Operation of your holy Spirit, as soon as their Heart is turned to You!

Oh plain, and easy, and simple Way of Salvation, wanting no Subtleties of are or Science, no borrowed Learning, no Refinements of Reason, but all done by the simple natural Motion of every Heart, that truly longs after God.

For no sooner is the finite Desire of the Creature in motion towards God, but the infinite Desire of God is united with it, co-operating with it. And in this united Desire of God and the Creature, is the Salvation and Life of the Soul brought forth.

 For the Soul is shut out of God, and imprisoned in its own dark Workings of Flesh and Blood, merely and solely, because it desires to live to the Vanity of this World. This Desire is its Darkness, its Death, its Imprisonment, and Separation from God.

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#56 The final prayer