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Grayson Perry -- Fleeing Eden |
[Pryr-1.2-29] The reason for all of this, is that Man, by his Fall, broke off from his true Centre, and lost his proper Relationship with God. Once that happened then that singular relationship with Him was no more, but broken.
For with the Fall, Man left a Life in God and instead went into a Life of the Self, -- one of animal self-narcissism, fantasies, and other vain escapes and lost all touch with his Source.
As self-esteem, and self-seeking, through the vehicle of Pride becomes their own ends & ultimate Enjoyment, the Natural State of
Man, became now a grasping, wanting, self-absorbed animal. He was now an Apostate from God, as his natural Life became all
Idolatry, and the Self became the Greatest Idol of all -- worshiped, coddled and encouraged instead of following the path of devotion, responsibility and love of something greater and better than himself : God.
So it is easy to see, that all Sin, Death, Damnation, and Hell is nothing but this Kingdom of Self. There reside various vehicles of Self-love, Self-esteem,
and Self-seeking, Self-worship, Self-Pride, Self-Will, Self-Desire, all of which separate the Soul from God, and end lead to eternal Death
and Hell.
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