Hence by proclaiming our Love and Belief in Our Father, we may also learn the
true Nature and Worth of all Self-denials and Mortifications.
We see
for what they are truly worth, their Nature, and like a torch shining on our
foibles, we realize them for what they are:
shackles that separate us from Goodness & see that they are not real
Food or Nourishment & have Quickening, Sanctifying Power in them; but that their
only Worth consists in this, that they remove the Impediments of Holiness,
break down that which stands between us & God because we spend too much
time tending to them and not enough listening and following Him.
As in our
Creation, we had only that Degree of a Divine Life, which the Power of God gave
us; as then all that we had, and were, was the sole Operation of what God in
the Creation imparted to us; & so in our Redemption, or regaining that
first Perfection, we lose all that we thought meant something to us, because
otherwise what would self-denial be? The
getting rid of things that we no longer care for? No, it must be things that we value too much
and that way the Entrance for the one only Good, the Light of God, becomes
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