Sunday, June 12, 2016

#38 How to love one's neighbor as one's self

 [Pryr-1.2-38] Because all this turning towards Self is in reality turning from God, and as much as we have of Self-love, is a hellish and earthly Weight, that it must be taken off, or there can be no Ascension into Heaven.

But you wilt perhaps say, if all Self-love is to be renounced, then how do we Love of our Neighbor? (Leviticus xix: 18; Mark xix:19)  Isn’t that too renounced because the Commandment is, only to love our Neighbor as ourselves.

The Answer here is easy, and yet no Quarter given to Self-love.

There is but one only Love in Heaven, and while the Angels of God do love one another in this manner, they also love themselves as well, yet they do not fall under the Spell of Self-Love because they adhere to a greater and more supreme form. 

It is this form that is unchangeable & pure and is the Law to all intelligent Beings of all Worlds, and the Law for now & all Eternity:  God alone is to be loved for himself, and as all other Beings exist by Him, and for Him when one Loves God, one loves all because when filled with love of God one is filled with over-brimming love that knows no bounds.

Whatever intelligent Creature neglects this Rule of Love, he then is so far fallen from the Order of his Creation, and is, until He reforms & returns to this eternal Law of Love, an Apostate from God, and incapable of the Kingdom of Heaven.

[Pryr-1.2-39] Now if God alone is to be loved for Himself, then no Creature is to be loved for itself; and so all Self-love in every Creature is absolutely condemned.

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#56 The final prayer