Thursday, November 13, 2014

#6 Communicating Goodness throughout

Jan Bruegel the Elder -- Garden of Eden

Pryr-1.1-18] It is the Goodness of God that breaks forth into a Desire to communicate Good, and it was the sole Cause of the Beginning of Creation., which is stated right at the start of Genesis:

And God saw every thing that he had made, and behold, it was very good. Gen.1.

Hence it follows, that for all Eternity, God can have no Thought, or Intent towards the Creature, but to communicate Good; that idea that He, the Creator is Good and that his Creation and Creature are the same: beneficient, kind and virtuous. So it stands to figure, that God made the Creature for this sole End: to receive Goodness and its like.

So now that we understand the amiable Nature of God; i.e. that he the Good, a unchangeable, overflowing Fountain of Good, and that He is the Love itself, giving nothing but Gifts of Love, to every Thing that He has made and requiring nothing of all his Creatures, but that in return share the Spirit and Fruits of that Love.

Think about this. How sweet this Contemplation of the Height and Depth of the Riches of Divine Love! What Attraction must it draw every thoughtful Man, to return Love for Love ? What Charms has that Religion, which discovers to us our Existence in, Relation to, and Dependence upon this Ocean of Divine Love!

View every Part of our Redemption, from Adam’s first Sin, to the Resurrection of the Dead, and you will find nothing but successive Mysteries of that first Love, which God created both the Angels and Men. For all the Mysteries of the Gospel are just so many Proofs of God’s desire to make his Love triumphant, by removing Sin and Disorder from all Nature and Creature in that first Paradise.

[Pryr-1.1-19] But unfortunately, this does not last, for consider the Nature of Adam’s Fall, We have seen that it consisted of no arbitrary Punishment inflicted on him by a Wrath raised in God, but was only such a State of Misery, that his own Action brought upon him just like a child who puts their hand too close to the fire and gets it burned.

And so let us now see what happened to this Creature’s Soul, or more distinctly, how it differed from what it was before his Fall, in its heavenly State, to what it had become.

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Thursday, November 6, 2014

#5 Alchemy and the Law of Nature

[Pryr-1.1-16 or pg 24] From this short, yet plain and true Account of this Matter, we are delivered from a Load of Difficulties that have been raised about the Fall of Man, and  Original Sin. It has been a great Question for all Christians, How could the Goodness of God so punish such a  small and single an Act of Disobedience in Adam, with so great a Punishment as Eternal Sin?

Well to be honest,  that Question has little to do with God, but more with logic and sense because Adam's Punishment was just a  miserable Change that came upon him: he was transformed from an Angelic Nature to a Bestial One.

So of course, another, and the greatest Question of all, is What kind of Divine would do this to him Adam & then to all his Posterity?  But here, it may be said, that this Question is equally ridiculous because There is no Imputation {assignment}  of the Sin of Adam to his Posterity, never once is that mentioned in the Holy Bible, and so there is no Foundation for a Dispute.

How absurd would it be to say, that God imputes the Nature of Adam for all of his Posterity? That would mean that God is damning Adam (us) for all Mankind.  Nonsense.

Instead, would not the children of Adam have the same Nature  (Physical Makeup, Structure and Looks) of Adam because of their  natural Birth and that they came from a Man so that they too should be one?   That logic is no different than that a “leopard cannot change his spots” (from Jeremiah 13:23) because  the leopard cannot be anything but a leopard.  Nor can a horse be something other than itself, can it?   And since now that Adam was on their level, how could his children be anything other their makers, ordinary human mortals.

Gustav Klimt, Portrait of Adele Blauer-Bloch i
 Instead therefore about the former Question, which is quite beside the Matter, it really should have been asked ,  How it  would it be consistent  that Adam could  generate Children of a Nature and Kind that would be quite superior to himself?   Can man beget a cat?  Or a leopard?  Or could it be vice verse? There is no historical, nor logical precedent for that matter, that shows either are possible within the Laws of Nature.

Of course like the modern day anti-realists (or nihilists) Medieval magicians will tell you though, that there are no laws of nature and that by understanding the secret of "alchemy",* & then armed with their Philosopher's  Stone they could create a silk purse from a sow's ear and unveil all the other “hidden” secrets of the Universe with  their "tincture" or powder such as transforming base metals to precious ones like gold.

Alas, history has not proved that either, though went further and believed that an elixir of life “elixir vitae” could be derived from it, and so once again man would not need God but could be immortal upon himself.

That rather interesting idea brings us to the Rebellion of the Angels who thought that they too could oust God from his Throne and run the Heavens without him. Well that did not work and neither did the alchemical arts, though man has tried throughout various centuries and all over the plant for such a “Fountain of Youth”.

Instead  the only Question that can be asked with relation to God is why did not Adam listen?  Not why could Adam not generate children of a nature and kind that was quite superior to himself for plainly that is false.  The reason is  why sin is found in all the sons of Adam, because Adam was of earthly flesh and blood and cannot bring forth a holy angel out of himself,  any more than a magician can create gold from nothing: if one is part of nature, then one must operate within its Laws & Boundaries.

Only God himself can do otherwise, for How could it be anyway else?

And so it can be truly written and said that all the laborious volumes on God's assigning Adam's sin to his posterity ought to be considered as it truly is: nothing more than waste paper.

See  Appeal to all that Doubt, also by Rev Law for a further discussion of this topic.  The good man wrote a lot, what else do you do when there is no tv to whittle it away?  Read and write.  Now we twitter.

*The original purpose of alchemy was the creation of gold from dross i.e. the famous saying of making silk from a sow's ear is based upon that.  The picture of Adele Blauer-Bloch is shown because Klimt used a lot of gold dust for it, as she was rich and wanted to show her vanity and wealth.  Obviously it was a pricey piece to paint.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

#4 Burnt Fingers

[Pryer 1.14]  Let me be honest here.  If your father, and I'm sure yours did, tell you not to put your finger on a hot burner or through a fire, and then you did, would you blame your father for telling you and so putting the idea into your head or do you blame yourself for testing his advice and seeing indeed what would happen?

So too, Adam  who operated contrary to the Will of God merely for the  Sake of some new-fancy operated from his own voluntary Act, decided to test what God has told him knowing fulling well that the punishment would be the lost of his heavenly life; did so anyways, somewhat like a rogue child that gives you the finger and figures that he will get away with it because you do not have the heart to really take him to task.

[Pryer 1.15]  ] Well, that is a simple, but clear Representation of the Case, how Matters stood
Pietro della Vecchia, St Dominic and the Devil c. 1630
 at the Indianapolis Museum of Art

betwixt God and our first Father, when by his own Act and Deed he extinguished that Angelical & Divine Life, in which God had created him.

Adam had no more Hurt, no more Evil done to Him, at his Fall, than the very Nature of his own Action brought along with it upon himself. He lusted after the Sensibility of that Good and Evil, that Beasts of this World have,

Léonard Gaultier, engraving of Christ heals the 2 Blind Men,
c. 1576  @Natl Gallery of Art, Washington DC
He was told, that it could not be had without the Loss of his heavenly Life;  because such Loss was as necessarily implied in the Nature of the Thing itself, as  Blindness is implied in the Extinction of the Eyes.

However, he ventured to make the Trial, and chose to eat of That, which could and did open this Sensibility of earthly Good and Evil in him.

No sooner did this happen & this Sensibility was opened in him, but he found that it lead to Subjection and Slavery to all outward Nature, to Heat and Cold, to Pains and Sickness, to Horror of Mind and disturbed Passions, to Misery and Fears of Death or  in other Words, he found that it was an Extinction of that Divine, angelical Nature, that he previously had.

 Therefore, to charge Adam's now miserable State, as a Punishment inflicted upon him by the severe Wrath of an incensed God, is just as Absurd as to say that when Man washes his face with Carbolic Acid, that the Darkness and Blindness results from God's wrath against him.

#56 The final prayer