Sunday, June 12, 2016

#36 Ye cannot both serve God and Mammon

 [Pryr-1.2-36] Thus when our Lord says, unless a Man forsake all that he has he cannot be my Disciple;(Mark x:21) the Reason is plain, and the Necessity absolute. It is because all that the natural Man has is the Possession of his own Self-love, and therefore this Possession has to be absolutely forsaken, and done away with.   For all that man has, has to be put into other Hands, or the natural Man cannot be changed into a Disciple of Christ.

This is because Self-love is an earthly, sensual, and devilish thing.  It must have all its accessories taken away from it; because just feeding it a bit will give it energy, and then the natural Man will find that his heavenly yearnings are for naught and he is back to where he was: nowhere with nothing left, to lay down at the Feet of Jesus, and then all Earthly Things become common, and Self-love loses its love of its former Possessions.

For then as a Disciple of Christ, though having nothing, because the natural Man has forsaken them; then he is restored as a Disciple of Christ a hundred-fold as though there were no intervening times between them.

For Self-love, the greatest of all Thieves, is now cast out, and all that the former Man had stolen, and hidden away from him, are now put into the Hands of Divine Love, every Mite {this is a small unassuming thing} now becomes a large Treasure, and Mammon* opens the Door into everlasting Habitations.

For this was the Spirit of the first Draught of a Christian Church at Jerusalem, a Church made truly after the Pattern of Heaven, where the Love that reigns in Heaven reigned also in it; where Divine Love broke down all the selfish Fences, the Locks and Bolts of me, mine, my own, &c., and laid all Things common to the Members of this new Kingdom of God on Earth.

·         {Mammon comes to us from the New Testament where he is the personification of wealth and avarice as a pawn of the devil; Ye cannot serve God and Mammon -- Matthew vi:24

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#56 The final prayer