Saturday, May 21, 2016

#25 How do I believe?

[Pryr-1.2-25] So perhaps you will say, How shall I discover these Riches of Eternity?  This Light, and Spirit?  This Wisdom, and Peace of God, treasured  within me? If I haven’t so far, what makes you think I can now?

Well, your first Thought must be of Change, of Repentance, or the Desire of turning to God.  That  must be your first step and by that very small movement, then your first Discovery of His Light and Spirit will awaken within You.

Then the Voice and Language of the Word of God will start to bubble up in  strange sounds and tongues -- strange because you do not recognize them, and have been deaf to their music.  But now, once you have embarked upon Your Repentance, all will be different.

The Great Bruiser of your Serpent's Head, (Jesus slew the greatest fear of mankind -- Death -- with his Resurrection & so too here at this moment he is slaying your doubts and lack of faith), your Dear Emmanuel (Jesus is called Emmanuel -- God is with us -- Isaiah 7:14) who is preaching within You, asks that very question, and because you truly want to know and so like when He first preached in public, saying, "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand," the message is no different.  And so, Hear its call!

Therefore, let just the smallest Instinct or Desire of your Heart calls You towards God, and then a newness of Life will happen.  Give it Time and Let it speak; take care that you do not rush it along greedily wanting more.  No, let him speak to you in his soft voice and loving tones, slowly. 

For it is not an Angel from Heaven that will speak to You at first, but the eternal Word of God in your Heart, the Word that first created You, and is now beginning to re-create You in an image of righteousness and Truth -- the very Likenesses of God Himself.

But above all Things, beware of taking this Desire of Repentance as something you deserve from your own efforts, because then you have fallen into another trap of the Old man1 & lose the Key of all the Heavenly Treasure that is in You, &  by that thought you slam Door against God, & turn him out of doors. 

For then your Repentance (if you had any to start) will be in vain & unprofitable Work.  Basically it is a waste of time if that is how you think, and just another way to make yourself  feel good buying a new toy to reward your half-effort.2

Instead, you must take this awakened Desire of turning to God, to be, as in Truth it is, the coming of Christ in your Soul, the Working, Redeeming Power of the Light and Spirit of the holy Jesus within You, and embrace it.  Love it for it will save You & it will make You whole though right now you are in pieces; and by believing in Christ, though you were dead, yet you shall live.


 1.  The Old Man -- another term for Evil One -- the Devil.  Old Nick himself.
  2.  This idea of faking Christ is a major theme for Law.  He returns to it later in the Prodigal Son

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#56 The final prayer