Saturday, May 21, 2016

#24 The Peace within

[Pryr-1.2-24] Fourthly, and Lastly, this Pearl of Eternity is the Peace and Joy of God within You, but can only be found by the Manifestation of the Life and Power of Jesus Christ in your Soul.

Christ cannot be your Power and your Life, till in Obedience to his Call, you deny yourself, takes up your daily Cross, and follows Him, in the Regeneration.

This is peremptory, it admits of no Reserve or Evasion, it is the one Way to Christ and Eternal Life.

But be where you wilt, either here in London, or at Los Angeles, Vancouver, DC or Sydney; if Self is undenied, if you live to heeding only your own Will, and beckon to the Pleasures of your natural Lust and Appetites, Senses and Passions, and in Conformity to the vain Customs, and Spirit of this World, then you are dead though you think you are alive.

The seed of the Woman is crucified within You, & Christ can profit You Nothing, because you are a Stranger to all that is holy and heavenly within You, and you are utterly incapable of finding the Peace and Joy of God in your Soul.

And so no matter what your bank account, you are Poor.  You are Blind.  You are Naked, and Empty, and live a miserable Life in the Vanity of Time chasing after shifting images; while all the Riches of Eternity, the Light and Spirit of Wisdom and Love, the Peace and Joy of God are within You but you cannot see a thing.

And it will always be that way with You, there is no Remedy, go where you want do what you want, see all the sights and sounds of Europe, journeys to ashrams, mountain tops and see vast Cathedrals, it does not matter. 

It is all is shut up inside where there is no open Door of Salvation, no Awakening out of the Sleep of Sin, no Deliverance from the Power of your corrupt Nature, because there is no Overcoming of the World, there is no Revelation without Jesus Christ. 

There is no Joy of the New Birth from above, until you let your Self and the World you cling to so mightily can be allowed to die, and mean nothing to you.  Only then can you turn to the Light, and Spirit, and Power of God in your Soul.

All else is fruitless, and insignificant, all the Means of your Redemption are at a Standstill, & all outward Forms are just dead Formality, empty motions signifying nothing, until the Fountain of living Water of Christ our Lord, is found, within You.

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#56 The final prayer