[Pryr-1.2-27] So that you may do all this
the better, and be firmly assured, you’re your Resignation to, and Dependence upon,
the working of God's Spirit within You, is right and sound, I shall lay before You
two great, and infallible, and fundamental Truths, which will be as a Rock for your
Faith to stand upon.
[Pryr-1.2-28] The first one is that through all the
whole Nature of Things, nothing you can do, would be better for you Soul, than to devote yourself to the Operation of God upon it.
Secondly, that all the Dispensations of God to
Mankind, from the Fall of Adam, to the preaching of the Gospel, were only for
that end: to fashion, prepare, and dispose the Soul for the Operation of the
Spirit of God upon it.
It is these two great Truths, when they are well and deeply apprehended, will put your Soul in its right State, and in a continual Dependence upon God, so that you will be in a Readiness
to receive His Goodness and allow it to be a continual Source of Light in your Mind.
This light, like the first one that He shone upon the earth, will keep You safe from Error, false Zeal in politics, philosophy and the proper Form of
Religion. It will protect you from Bigotry, and Superstition and most importantly this light will teach You the true Difference between the Means and Reasons for Religion. How it matters regarding that Shell you wear so that the Kernel, the true Source, can be found and cherished.