William Law and the Spirit of Prayer...
[Pryr-1.1-11] "Therefore, my Son, be content with thy angelical Nature, be content, as an Angel in Paradise, to eat Angels’ Food, and to rule over this mixed, imperfect, and perishing World, without partaking of its corruptible, impure, and perishing Nature.
[Pryr-1.1-11] "Therefore, my Son, be content with thy angelical Nature, be content, as an Angel in Paradise, to eat Angels’ Food, and to rule over this mixed, imperfect, and perishing World, without partaking of its corruptible, impure, and perishing Nature.
Lust not to know how the Animals feel the Evil and Good which this Life affords them; for if Thou couldst feel what they feel, Thou would have to be one of them and since Thou canst not have their Sensibility, unless Thou hast their Nature: thou canst not at the same time be an Angel and an earthly Animal.
If the bestial Life is raised up in Thee, at that same Instant the heavenly Birth of thy Nature must die within.
Therefore turn away thy Lust and Imagination from a Tree of Knowledge as that can only help Thee to gain Knowledge of Good and Evil, that belongs to the Animals of this mundane World.
The bestial Nature can receive Good or Evil from the Stars and Elements; but they have no Power, over that Life which proceeds from those element.
Instead my Son, be content with Angels’ Bread; and in doing so, do not unlock that bestial life and fall into the pit of Slavery for Life. Once you are Stripped of thy angelical Garment, you will have to hide your Body in all its Glory, for you will become more naked than any Beast that crawls upon Earth, and you will be forced to seek refuge from those very Beasts as you will find your skin softer than theirs and will need a Covering to protect you from them and the elements around you. Also , you will have to hide yourself from the Sight of thine own Eyes as you will find yourself repulsive and ugly.
Soon after that, you will become a shameful, fearful, sickly, wanting, suffering, Creature and suffer the same speedy Death as does the Dust of the Earth, and the poor Beasts of Burden, because now you are their Brethren."
[Pryr-1.1-12] This Paraphrase I leave to the Reflection of the Reader, and proceed to show,that
[Pryr-1.1-13] Thirdly, that the Misery, Distress, and the sorrowful Condition, which Adam brought upon Himself by his Transgression and so onto all of his Posterity, was not because of the severe vindictive Wrath in God, who called for Justice to rectify His impugned [challenged] Sovereignty and so inflicted pains and Punishments suitable to the offence of his just Indignation.
NO! It is evident that Adam had nothing but Overflowing of Love and Goodness from his Heavenly Father and that his Lameness, Blindness and Wretched Sufferings were from nothing but his own voluntary Acts brought upon himself by himself when he did not take the Goodly advice.
NO! It is evident that Adam had nothing but Overflowing of Love and Goodness from his Heavenly Father and that his Lameness, Blindness and Wretched Sufferings were from nothing but his own voluntary Acts brought upon himself by himself when he did not take the Goodly advice.
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