This heavenly Materiality had its Fruits and Vegetables, more real than any that grow in Time, but different from the Grossness of the Fruits of this World, as the heavenly Body of an Angel is different from the Body of the grossest Beast upon Earth.
In this angelical Kingdom, there was just one Element (which after the Fall was divided into in four Parts) and that was a fruitful Mother of Wonders, continually bringing forth new Forms and Figures of Life; not Animals, Beasts, or Insects, but beautiful Figures: ideal Forms of the endless Divisibility, and Degrees of Life, which only broke forth as delightful Wonders of the Depth of the Riches of the Divine Nature, and to tune the Voices of Angels with Songs of Praise to the infinite Source of Life.

So Adam, while an endless Variety both of the Animal and Vegetable Life could have sprung up then but now because they are the divided into Parts cannot; No animal Life can rise from solely from the Stars, Air, or Water, but instead need the Remains of that one Element, that I imbued Life with.
This, my Son, is the Source and Original of all that infinite Variety, and Degrees of Life, both of Animals and Vegetables, in this World. This is because all outward Nature, has fallen from Heaven.
[Pryr-1.1-10] "In Heaven, all Births and Growths, all Figures and spiritual Forms of Life, though infinite in Variety, are still a heavenly Kind, and have only so many Manifestations of the Goodness, Wisdom, Beauty, and Riches of the Divine Nature.
But now in this new modeled Chaos, where the Disorders raised by Lucifer are not wholly removed, and where Evil and Good stand together in Strife, until the last purifying Fire appears, here every Kind and Degree of Life, like the World from whence it springs, is a Mixture of Good and Evil in its Birth and which is what you cannot tell.
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