Monday, March 28, 2016

#19 Children of the Corn

Pryr-1.2-16] See here in short, the State of Man as redeemed. He has a Spark of the Light  & This Holy Spark within Him, has a natural, strong and almost infinite Tendency,  of  Reaching after the eternal Light and Spirit of God, from whence it came.

 And in reverse, this Love, or Desire of God towards the Soul of Man, is so great, that He gave his only begotten Son, the Brightness of his Glory, to take the human Nature upon him, in its fallen State, so that this mysterious Union of God and Man, all the Enemies of the Soul of Man might be overcome, and every human Creature might have a Power of being born again according to that Image of God, in which he was first created.

To read the gospels, is to know the History of the Love of God for Man.

[Pryr-1.2-17] A Grain of Wheat has the Air and Light of this World  incorporated in it: it is a Mystery of Life, its  Power of Growing, and its strong continual Tendency of uniting again with that Ocean of Light and Air, from whence it came forth, and so it helps to kindle its own Vegetable Life.

[Pryr-1.2-18] On the other Hand, The great Ocean of Light and Air, has a perpetual strong Tendency to unite, and communicate with that grain of wheat and it is that Desire of Union on both Sides, that the Vegetable Life arises, and all the Virtues and Powers are within.

[Pryr-1.2-19] So until the Husk and the Grain fall into a State of Corruption and eventual Death, the Mystery of Life that is hidden in it, cannot be known and it may never be known to the Husk, but for us it can be different,  because we,  by Self-Denial of  the Lusts of the Flesh, the call of charge card, a bottomless pocketbook that is never satisfied, a refusal of various Lusts  of the Eyes, and attendant Pride of Vanity that makes us buy and obtain what we cannot afford, can be united and known our Maker.  

This denial though seemingly cruel, is not imposed by us by the mere Will of God, as a Punishment, nor is it an Invention of dull and dead monkish Spirits that want to delight in our earthly misery, but instead,  it is grounded in reason, stopping us from our own self-destruction and instead causing us to reflect and make Way for the New Birth within, just as the Death of the Husk is necessary to make Way for its vegetable Life as maize.

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#56 The final prayer