[Pryr-1.2-8] Poor Sinner! consider the Treasure thou hast within Thee, the Saviour of the World, the eternal Word of God lies hid in Thee, as a Spark of the Divine Nature, which is there to overcome the Sin and Hell within Thee, and helped to generate the Life of Heaven in thy Soul.
Turn to thy Heart, and thy Heart will find its Saviour, its God within itself. Thou see, hear, and feel nothing of God, because thou seek for Him everywhere but within. Thou seek him in Books, in Controversies, in the Church, & Commentaries but there thou wilt not find him. No he is lost to you until thou hast first found Him in thy Heart. Seek him there, and then thou wilt never need to seek again, for where He dwelleth lies the Seat of his Light and Holy Spirit.
[Pryr-1.2-9] Turning to the Light and Spirit of God within Thee, is thy only true way to turn to God. There is only one Way to find Him, and that is but in that Place where he dwelleth -- and that is within Thee.
For though God be everywhere present, yet He is only present to Thee in the deepest, and most central Part of thy Soul. Thy natural Senses cannot possess God, or unite Thee to Him, and the Faculties of Understanding, Will, and Memory, can only reach after God, but cannot be the Place of his Habitation.
There is a Root, or Depth in Thee, from whence all these Faculties come forth, as Lines from a Centre, or as Branches from the Body of the Tree. This Depth is called the Centre, the Fund or Bottom of the Soul. This Depth is the Unity, the Eternity,
I had almost said, the Infinity of thy Soul; for it is so infinite, that nothing can satisfy it, or give it any Rest, but the infinity of God. In this Depth of the Soul, the Holy Trinity brought forth its own living Image in the first created Man, bearing in Himself a living Representation of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and this was Man's Dwelling in God and God's dwelling in him. This was the Kingdom of God within Him, but it was made Paradise, without Him.
And then on that Day that Adam ate of the forbidden earthly Tree, on that Day Adam absolutely died and lost this Kingdom of God within. This Depth or Centre of his Soul now lost its God, & instead was shut up in Death and Darkness,. It became a Prisoner in an earthly Animal, one that only excelled its Brethren, the Beasts, in an upright Form, and serpentine Subtlety. Thus ended the Fall of Man.
But from the Moment that the God of Mercy instilled hope into Adam, that Thug [Bruiser] of the Serpent, then all the Riches and Treasures of the Divine Nature once again came into Man, as a Seed of Salvation was now sown into the Centre of his Soul, as it lies hidden there in every Man, until the very moment he desires to arise from his fallen State, and chose to be born again from God above.
[Pryr-1.2-10] Awake then, thou that Sleepest, and Christ, who from all Eternity has been married [espoused] to thy Soul, shall give Thee full and beautiful Light. Search and dig in thine own Field for this Pearl of Eternity, and while it lieth hidden it cannot cost Thee too much, nor canst thou buy it too dear, for it is All. When thou has found it, thou wilt know, that all which thou hast sold or given away previously for it, was Nothing, like a little Bubble upon the Water.
[Pryr-1.2-11] But instead, if thou turnest from this heavenly Pearl, or trample it under thy Feet, for the sake of being Rich, or Great, either in Church or State & while you may have lived at Lambeth Palace [the traditional home of the Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Church of England] for more than twenty Years, or have twenty Times been to the King's Palace, then in the end, be the same as amounting to Nothing for Thee.
Turn to thy Heart, and thy Heart will find its Saviour, its God within itself. Thou see, hear, and feel nothing of God, because thou seek for Him everywhere but within. Thou seek him in Books, in Controversies, in the Church, & Commentaries but there thou wilt not find him. No he is lost to you until thou hast first found Him in thy Heart. Seek him there, and then thou wilt never need to seek again, for where He dwelleth lies the Seat of his Light and Holy Spirit.

For though God be everywhere present, yet He is only present to Thee in the deepest, and most central Part of thy Soul. Thy natural Senses cannot possess God, or unite Thee to Him, and the Faculties of Understanding, Will, and Memory, can only reach after God, but cannot be the Place of his Habitation.
There is a Root, or Depth in Thee, from whence all these Faculties come forth, as Lines from a Centre, or as Branches from the Body of the Tree. This Depth is called the Centre, the Fund or Bottom of the Soul. This Depth is the Unity, the Eternity,
I had almost said, the Infinity of thy Soul; for it is so infinite, that nothing can satisfy it, or give it any Rest, but the infinity of God. In this Depth of the Soul, the Holy Trinity brought forth its own living Image in the first created Man, bearing in Himself a living Representation of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and this was Man's Dwelling in God and God's dwelling in him. This was the Kingdom of God within Him, but it was made Paradise, without Him.
And then on that Day that Adam ate of the forbidden earthly Tree, on that Day Adam absolutely died and lost this Kingdom of God within. This Depth or Centre of his Soul now lost its God, & instead was shut up in Death and Darkness,. It became a Prisoner in an earthly Animal, one that only excelled its Brethren, the Beasts, in an upright Form, and serpentine Subtlety. Thus ended the Fall of Man.
But from the Moment that the God of Mercy instilled hope into Adam, that Thug [Bruiser] of the Serpent, then all the Riches and Treasures of the Divine Nature once again came into Man, as a Seed of Salvation was now sown into the Centre of his Soul, as it lies hidden there in every Man, until the very moment he desires to arise from his fallen State, and chose to be born again from God above.
[Pryr-1.2-10] Awake then, thou that Sleepest, and Christ, who from all Eternity has been married [espoused] to thy Soul, shall give Thee full and beautiful Light. Search and dig in thine own Field for this Pearl of Eternity, and while it lieth hidden it cannot cost Thee too much, nor canst thou buy it too dear, for it is All. When thou has found it, thou wilt know, that all which thou hast sold or given away previously for it, was Nothing, like a little Bubble upon the Water.
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Lambeth Palace |
[Pryr-1.2-11] But instead, if thou turnest from this heavenly Pearl, or trample it under thy Feet, for the sake of being Rich, or Great, either in Church or State & while you may have lived at Lambeth Palace [the traditional home of the Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Church of England] for more than twenty Years, or have twenty Times been to the King's Palace, then in the end, be the same as amounting to Nothing for Thee.