Saturday, October 31, 2015

10# Chapter i.33-41 The necessity of Christ

[Pryr-1.1-33] Now that the Soul, once fallen, is in a real State of Death. It is a a Doctrine not only plain from the whole Tenor of Scripture, but affirmed in all of Divinity. For all hold, and teach, that Man unredeemed, must have fallen into a State of Misery, like that of the fallen Angels and "That Man in his fallen State, and unredeemed, must have been eternally lost."

[Pryr-1.1-34] On the other Hand, Jesus Christ helps this Fall Soul to a new Birth, this time of the Light and Spirit of God, which was extinguished by his Fall. For Redemption, or Recovery of Man, means Regeneration so that Man's Misery at having lost the Life and Light of Heaven from his Soul, could be Delivered from his fallen State.

[Pryr-1.1-35] If Angels had come down from Heaven to assure him, that God had no Anger at him, he would still have been in the same helpless State; if instead they ad they told him, that God had Pity and Compassion towards him, would good would that do? He would still have been yet been unhelped; because knowing the situation would not have changed the outcome of Life which he had lost.

[Pryr-1.1-36] The Gospel tells us of a certain Man who fell among Thieves, who stripped him, and wounded him, and left him half dead; that first a Priest, then a Levite coming that Way, both of them avoided the poor Man, by passing on the other Side.

[Pryr-1.1-37] Here it is plain that this Priest and Levite left the poor Man in the same helpless State in which they found him. Let it now be supposed, that instead of going on the other Side of the Road, they had come up to him, and poured Oil and Wine into his Wounds, but only figuratively and that they had spoken such Words to him, Words so soft, so oily, and reviving, that in a just Figure of Speech, they might be as though pouring of Wine and Oil into his Wounds. Now that they had done this, isn't it true that the poor Man's Wounds and his Nakedness were still literally there? Yes, because the poor Man was naked, and wounded, not in a figurative Sense of the Words, but really and truly, and therefore could have no Help or Benefit, from figurative oils, but would need literal ones.

[Pryr-1.1-38] This is true also for as Adam, who had extinguished the Light and Spirit of God in himself.
[Pryr-1.1-39] And once the Soul is dead, that which we receive from God, there are No Powers, no Abilities of the highest Order of Creatures, could kindle the least Spark of it in Adams, or help him to the least Glimpse of that heavenly Light which he had lost, because in the same Reality, they were as born of Flesh as he and could not give what they did not have.

[Pryr-1.1-40] But tell me, if this is new Birth is not just a Part, but instead the Whole Reason of our Salvation, how then is not Every Thing in Religion, from the Beginning to the end of Time, only for the Sake of it. Nothing does us any Good, but either as it helps bring forward our Regeneration.

[Pryr-1.1-41] So all the glad Tidings of the Gospel, all the Benefits of our Saviour, however variously expressed in Scripture, all center in this one Point, that he is our Light, our Life, our Resurrection, our Holiness and Salvation; that we are in Him new Creatures, created again unto Righteousness, born again of Him, from above, of the Spirit of God. Every Thing in the Gospel is for the Sake of this new Creature, Man in Christ Jesus, and nothing is without it. 

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