The Spirit of Prayer – The Fall of Adam and the Angels
Posted on February 1, 2011by In My Anguish
[Pryr-1.1-21] First, because there was nowhere else for the Angels to fall into, but into this tormenting Sensibility of their own fiery, wrathful, darkened Nature.
English: Detail of work Heaven and Hell including Devil/Dragon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
[Pryr-1.1-22] Secondly, because their Revolt was From God and it was an Attempt, and true Intent to be higher and greater than He, so they got their own just reward aa living Hell, viz., that fiery Strength of self-tormenting Nature, separate from the one Source of Light and Love, of Peace and Joy, that alone is Him.
[Pryr-1.1-23] But Adam, though his Soul was as entirely dead to Heaven, as the Souls of the Devils were, had not yet fallen not into their Hell, for these two Reasons.
[Pryr-1.1-24] First, because there still was the Angelical Man in his Body, that did not die at his Transgression. So while his Soul that had lost its Heavenly Light, it did not fall directly into the Devil‘s Hell. Insetad his soul fell into a Body of Earthly Flesh and Blood, which is capable of the Enjoyments and Satisfactions of this material Life.
[Pryr-1.1-25] Secondly, and most importantly, because Adam was not aspiring to be either above, or without God , but only lusting to enter the bestial Life of this World, that he got what he sought: a mundane existence, and so fell into no other State or Misery, than that which his own Actions and Desires had given him.
Therefore this outward World has stood him in great Stead, and prevented his immediate Falling into the State of Fallen Angels.
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