Jan Bruegel the Elder -- Garden of Eden |
Pryr-1.1-18] It is the Goodness of God that breaks forth into a Desire to communicate Good, and it was the sole Cause of the Beginning of Creation., which is stated right at the start of Genesis:
And God saw every thing that he had made, and behold, it was very good. Gen.1.
Hence it follows, that for all Eternity, God can have no Thought, or Intent towards the Creature, but to communicate Good; that idea that He, the Creator is Good and that his Creation and Creature are the same: beneficient, kind and virtuous. So it stands to figure, that God made the Creature for this sole End: to receive Goodness and its like.
So now that we understand the amiable Nature of God; i.e. that he the Good, a unchangeable, overflowing Fountain of Good, and that He is the Love itself, giving nothing but Gifts of Love, to every Thing that He has made and requiring nothing of all his Creatures, but that in return share the Spirit and Fruits of that Love.
Think about this. How sweet this Contemplation of the Height and Depth of the Riches of Divine Love! What Attraction must it draw every thoughtful Man, to return Love for Love ? What Charms has that Religion, which discovers to us our Existence in, Relation to, and Dependence upon this Ocean of Divine Love!
View every Part of our Redemption, from Adam’s first Sin, to the Resurrection of the Dead, and you will find nothing but successive Mysteries of that first Love, which God created both the Angels and Men. For all the Mysteries of the Gospel are just so many Proofs of God’s desire to make his Love triumphant, by removing Sin and Disorder from all Nature and Creature in that first Paradise.
[Pryr-1.1-19] But unfortunately, this does not last, for consider the Nature of Adam’s Fall, We have seen that it consisted of no arbitrary Punishment inflicted on him by a Wrath raised in God, but was only such a State of Misery, that his own Action brought upon him just like a child who puts their hand too close to the fire and gets it burned.
And so let us now see what happened to this Creature’s Soul, or more distinctly, how it differed from what it was before his Fall, in its heavenly State, to what it had become.
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